This is our most popular strength vitamin E supplement. All Lamberts® vitamin E products are manufactured in the UK in premises that operate to stringent pharmaceutical standards of GMP. Our vitamin E is extracted from a natural vegetable oil and supplied in gelatin free capsules.
Lamberts® uses the natural form of vitamin E called d-alpha tocopherol, as this is the form in which it occurs in foods. Research shows that natural vitamin E has a higher biological activity, and is absorbed and retained more readily by the body than the cheaper synthetic vitamin E (dl-alpha tocopherol).
Vitamin E contributes to the protection of the body’s cells from oxidative stress caused by reactive compounds called ‘free radicals’ and this protective role has put vitamin E at the centre of worldwide research.
NDA Ref. Number: 47122/12.06.2013
Tags: οξειδωτικό, αντιοξειδωτικό στρες, υγεία δέρματος, υγεία καρδιάς, καρκίνος, υγεία αγγείων, εμμηνόπαυση, χοληστερόλη