Lamberts® Evening Primrose Oil is a high quality oil specially selected for its purity and consistent GLA level, and each capsule also provides the full NRV of vitamin E. These capsules are smaller in size than our other GLA supplements, and may therefore be preferred by some people, and are also suitable for children.
Evening primrose oil is still a popular supplement as the oil is one of the few natural sources of an Omega 6 fatty acid called Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA). Evening primrose is still widely recommended for use by women during their monthly cycle as well as for women going through the menopause.
NDA Ref. Number: 4629/20/01/2017
Tags: εμμηνόπαυση, έκζεμα, ρευματοειδή αρθρίτιδα, Σύνδρομο Sjögren, Οστεοπόρωση, Διαβητική νευροπάθεια, Προεμμηνορυσιακό σύνδρομο (ΠΕΣ), Πόνοι περιόδου, Αλλεργίες